Saturday, October 25, 2014

6 Days 'Til Halloween Grab Bag

This is the last reminder about the banner contest, but you can enter right up to midnight on Halloween!


I mentioned a month or so ago that we finally got a DVR, but I don't think I've mentioned since then how much we're enjoying it. I can tangentially tie this to Halloween by pointing out that we DVR'ed this year's broadcast of Toy Story of Terror, which my wife has never seen (still hasn't, in fact, but it's waiting there for her whenever she's ready!) But mainly the big draw at this point is that we can watch time-delayed Jeopardy and do so very efficiently in about 15 minutes per episode by fast-forwarding the commercials, the awkward contestant interviews, and really everything except the clues and responses.

On a recent episode there was a cinema question referencing the Odessa Staircase sequence and I was super-excited to be able to yell out "Battleship Potemkin!" My wife smiled sweetly at me and called me a nerd, which honestly makes me feel like I've come a long way (to specifically being a movie-nerd).


I almost used this panel to illustrate Thursday's post:

Since I went for a more literal visual aid, I was left wondering when I might be able to work this into what's left of the countdown. Clearly I am opting for the surreal and out-of-context answer.


See you tomorrow for the final Candy Sunday of October!

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