Thursday, October 8, 2009

What day is it

Quick post today as my brain isn’t really up for a lot of heavy word-lifting today. The whole three-person family spent several hours in the middle of last night at the ER because the baby had a high fever – high enough to be borderline scary. He tested negative for any specific bugaboos so we were told to take him home, give him Motrin or Tylenol (infant formulations) when necessary and as much fluids as he can take, and wait for him to ride it out. Obviously the primary reaction to all that is relief that nothing is seriously wrong, but it is undeniably disorienting to go to bed on a Wednesday night, wake up a couple of hours later because the baby is wailing, stay up for the next four hours including a trip to the hospital and subsequent trip to the store, then come home and try to get some more sleep for a couple of hours, then start the day Thursday feeling kinda like it must be Friday already. Or like someone snuck an extra day in between Wednesday and Thursday. Blortday, perhaps. Surreal.

Anyway, the baby is excessively clingy-cuddly, which is not the worst thing in the world, and his mom and I are exhausted, but we’re all recovering. More tomorrow.

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