Sunday, January 13, 2013

The lost weekend

On Friday I took the day off for a medical procedure (let’s call it the “OK three kids is really quite enough thanks” elective outpatient surgery) which had me pretty much laid up all weekend. I say this not to elicit pity in the slightest (as will become all too clear by the end of this post) because overall the entire experience was as pleasant as you could ask it to be. The business with the doctor was quick and painless (the doc was running about half an hour late, but since I had set aside the whole day I didn’t really get too bent out of shape over that) and there were no complications at the time or thereafter. I followed orders and stayed off my feet as much as possible for the subsequent 48 hours, took my painkillers and whatnot, and by last night if I had any complaint at all it was pure and simple stir-craziness, which I unhesitatingly acknowledge is a far preferable annoyance to contend with as opposed to deep physical pain or running a fever or mental exhaustion due to not being able to sleep or anything else which might have been part of the recovery process, but wasn’t.

Of course I would also be remiss if I did not point out that I was only able to coast through the recovery process due to the ministrations (toward myself, the house, and our children) of my beautiful beloved all weekend long. She insisted on feeding me a steady three-day diet of nothing but my favorite foods (both homemade and ordered in) while isolating me from the little guy and little girl as much as possible (due to their respective tendencies to show affection via swan-dive headbutting and whatnot) and also somehow managed to do the grocery shopping and get the house cleaned. Nothing short of superheroic, that wife of mine.

I did make the best of the downtime in my own self-amusing way (again, this is the part where clearly no one is supposed to feel sorry for me). Between Friday afternoon and Sunday night I managed to watch 3 episodes of Downtown Abbey, the most recent episode of Top Chef, 2 and 1/2 movies from the 1001 Master List, and a fair amount of the NFL playoffs. I also caught up on some websites and read through a good chunk of the comics reprints collections I’ve recently acquired. And I even shuffled outside for some limited playtime with the kids before all was said and done. So I should have a good bit of material to draw on for posts for the rest of the month, assuming I can mentally sort through it all and that it hasn’t all merged together into one binge-fueled blob. Here’s hoping!

1 comment:

  1. Aww snootchie you are so sweet!! And a very too patient. Xoxo
