Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Well, let's see if the WiFi works a little better today with decreased demand. Today the bino and the little girl went back to school in person. It's the first day since way back on Friday the 13th of March, 2020 that this has been an option. Our fair city's schools have adopted a hybrid model for this home stretch of the school year, so my little ones will be attending class in the school building on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and continuing virtual distance learning on M/W/F) from now until the end of May. Assuming this all works and doesn't result in massive case spikes and another emergency shutdown. Fingers crossed.

The little guy is still doing fulltime at-home school-via-Zoom because, well, he's really not so little anymore. He's 12, he's in seventh grade which means he should be at the middle school, and the city only agreed to resume in-person instruction in the elementary schools. Which makes sense, it really does, I think it was the correct and responsible decision. Elementary school is designed to keep the same cohort of kids together all day in the same room, limiting the chances for exposure cross-contamination etc. Whereas middle and high schoolers all jumble together in the hallways every 45 minutes as they constantly change classes throughout the day. I get it, I do. It just sucks for the little guy, who's sick of being stuck at home and misses his friends.

I'mma take him out to McDonald's for lunch and then maybe buy him some new books. Hopefully that will make up for the unfairness of it all, somewhat.

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