Thursday, July 3, 2014

Now where was I?

So my wife and I are now well into our first ever experience with managing summer vacation as parents of school-age children. (Well, one school-age child anyway.) The little guy’s last day of kindergarten was June 19, a Thursday, and so the following few days were no more out of the ordinary than any other long weekend. The following week, the little guy went to day camp in the mornings all five days, and it just so happened that my wife stayed home from work all five days as well as she continued to fight off the virulence that besieged our home mid-month (and spilled over onto our babysitter’s son, thus making it just as well my wife was taking sick days as our normal daycare arrangements were understandably unavailable). This week has been the first one where the little guy has absolutely nothing scheduled and structured to do, and yesterday was the first day both his parents were at work while he was home all day. He and the sitter’s son managed to de-cushion every couch in the house, strip the sheets off the little guy’s bed, and pull one of the curtain rod brackets off the wall of the little guy’s room.

All in all I’d have to say we got off pretty easy. Things can be (and were) put back together. Nobody lost a finger or an eye or anything.

Tomorrow we’ll make an excursion to the grandparents’ for Independence Day festivities, and then the rest of the weekend should be fairly low-key. Hopefully it will afford us the time to get everything back to something approaching normal; the blog has been quieter than usual the past couple weeks because the mini-plague combined with the school/summer transition has had a profound unmooring effect. Maybe things will get back to normal next week. Maybe not! I’ll try to report on the developments, ordered or stochastic as they may be.

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