Monday, October 29, 2012

Raindrops keep fallin on my shed

As you may have heard, all the federal offices in the D.C. area are closed today because of Hurricane Sandy, so I am at home with my wife and the kids (who would all normally be home on a Monday anyway). We laid in some groceries, extra propane and ice yesterday, which means we're as prepared as we're gonna get for any power outage craziness. But so far, so uneventful. It's been raining steadily but not torrentially all day, and the wind has gusted now and then but nothing too ominous.

Still we're taking advantage of electricity while we have it. We've been doing loads of laundry more or less since we got up, we've already run the dishwasher and vacuumed extensively, and the little guy is currently watching a dvd on the tv in our room. And obviously I'm blogging, and my wife is checking updates on Facebook and Weather Underground periodically. It's entirely possible that we may just end up with a thoroughly drenched lawn and no other traumatic effects, which would be fine by me! But supposedly this will be a two-day storm, and it's only midway through day one. At this point I don't even know if I'll be required to report to work tomorrow or what.

So I will leave it at that and check in tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of Storm herself, everyone's favorite weather-controlling mutant!*

(* = lackluster onscreen performances by Halle Berry notwithstanding)

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