Monday, July 19, 2010

Stemcellsplosion, Day Four

So it’s Monday and I made it to work. Fortunately my job involves sitting in front of a computer, fairly quietly and with a minimal range of motion, and my chair is reasonably comfortable. My hips, spine, shoulders, neck, base of my skull and eyes ache, but it’s tolerable. I had already convinced myself that yesterday was going to be the hardest day, the third of five, the peak of the bell curve as it were. I have no idea if this is at all scientifically accurate, but it felt truthy, the notion that going from the second dose of drugs to the third would be the major turning point. And I made it through Sunday in reasonably good shape. My beloved wife brought me an Oreo McFlurry at the end of the day, and that helped. Scientifically.

Thus I will gut it out today and take tomorrow off, and I apologize in advance if the contents of posts in the early part of this week are thin, sporadic and/or non-existent. I’m already looking ahead, of course, because as I said I feel like I can handle one more solid day of bone soreness today and one more pair of injections tomorrow. And I’m not apprehensive at all about the procedure, being hooked up to the machines and whatnot, because I used to make apheresis donations back in the day (ten years ago) and that’s really no big deal. So my major forward-thinking concern now is just how quickly I’ll bounce back from the collection. I expect to be moderately wiped out Tuesday afternoon and evening and likely to go to bed early, but I also have every intention of getting up at 5 a.m. and going to work on Wednesday. I’m just not 100% convinced my body will be fully on board with that plan.

And yeah, there’s just no hiding the fact that while I love the blogging, it tends to be one of the first casualties of major disruptions in my routine. I actually have no shortage of topics bouncing around in my head at the moment, it’s all just a matter of finding the energy, concentration, and time. I may post again later today; I may not post again until Wednesday or even Thursday. If silence reigns, just assume I’m asleep on the couch, because the chances of anything more serious than that befalling me are vanishingly small.

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