Thursday, November 28, 2013

All are welcome at my table

I exchanged a couple of e-mails late last week with a friend I only know online (via fanfic circles) who hails from England. He literally closed one of his messages with this:
[A]ll my best to you and yours, and have a good holiday season (you Americans have got that turkeys and pilgrims thing going on sometime soon, right...?)
We do indeed.

But while Thanksgiving might be decidedly New World in its origins, it really should be the kind of occasion that brings all sorts together. I know that my wife once prepared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for her English friends while she was living in London, and it was a big hit. No need for cultural barriers when gathered around the bounty of gravies-and-starchy-gravy-vehicles!

Left to right: a mutant from the fictional Eastern European country of Transia, a synthezoid of debatable personhood and nationality, an American heiress with Dutch roots, an first-generation American born of Irish immigrants, and Atlantean royalty. (Also two randoms who are totally not important enough to recognize on sight.)

As always, I am thankful for my family and friends, near and far. And I am thankful for comics, which are often nutty but also often sweet, like pecan pie.

Also I am thankful for pecan pie.

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