Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I got an e-mail from Amazon recently informing me about an update to my pre-order of Game of Thrones Season 2 on Blu-ray. I admit, I got a little excited because I hastily jumped to the conclusion that the set must now have a release date, and I could commence the anticipation of counting down to that specific day. Alas, no. Amazon had simply upgraded my pre-order to Release Date Delivery. So whenever Game of Thrones Season 2 does come out, the discs will be waiting on my front steps when I get home that very day. But I still have no clue when that day will be. If the past is any indicator, it will be right before Season 3 starts on HBO, sometime in the spring.

But at least the weird non-news news from Amazon gives me an excuse to use the above graphic. (And oh how I wish we could, especially since, amongst our actual adoptees, our backup dog has recently taken such a disposition toward peeing inside the house that we’ve recently started putting him in a doggie diaper. Which is hot pink. And makes him walk funny with his hind legs struggling to go in a different direction than his front legs.)

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