Monday, May 17, 2010

Ups and downs

See, the thing is, he's smarter than he looks.
So my Very Little Bro graduated from college over the weekend. Or very nearly – he technically has a couple of online courses to finish this summer in order to complete the requirements of his major, but on Saturday he put on the cap and gown and walked across the stage to pick up his diploma, so let’s just call it a win unless something crazy down the road makes liars of us. He deserved his celebration of accomplishment, niggling loose ends notwithstanding. I for one was so happy for him that I got surprisingly choked up when the graduates came marching across the soccer field (led in by irish bagpipers!) and I spotted him in his academic regalia. I had it easy growing up in a stable (to all appearances) family unit where doing well in school was my only job and getting a Bachelor’s seemed more or less inevitable, but my parents split while I was in college, which was while Very little Bro was only six, so his childhood was markedly different and inarguably bumpier. There were a couple rough stretches where it seemed like he might not make it to college at all. I think part of me will always feel guilty that he had it tougher than I did, and that part was relieved and overjoyed that he came out ahead. Of course, that up is being immediately thrown into sharp relief by the attendant down, namely that Very Little Bro and his college roomie are following their dreams and moving to California this week. I don’t see the VLB as often as I would like, and now it seems I will see him even less. Alas.

Anyway, attending the graduation (in new Hampshire) required a long weekend trip, which is why last week was so light on posts – well, the trip plus a million other little things that are in fact keeping me hopping. I will try to expound on those as this week rolls merrily along, but I just wanted to make sure I didn’t leave this space idle for too long.

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